dj orta

Author: DJ Orta

  • Stuff Sucks iPod skin!

    Yeah, I got the stuff sucks () ipod skin. It fucking rocks. Thank you so much, liz! it rocks! 😀

  • dribble dribble drop drop…

    So yeah, school, whoo. Its been two weeks now, going into my third week, and I’m getting into the swing of things. Classes are pretty good, I’m taking my General Education (GE’s) right now, but I’m hoping to get enough of them out of the way so that I’m able to take some more fun…

  • Cornstalker Comics Collective

    CORNSTALKER I’m part of the Cornstalker Comics Collective. I am the associate editor, actually, something I’ve never had, power. I’m really happy to be working with some of my trusted webcomic artists. The site isn’t done yet, though. Haven’t had much sleep as i had to get everything together, address some of the complaints with…

  • Leaving

    So yeah, big announcement. I’m leaving

  • Comic Con Report-ish

    NOTE: This report was written during the convention. Certain parts were written retroactively. Thursday, July 20 I’m on the Amtrak train, dubbed “Surfliner South”, going down to San Diego. It feels really strange to me. This is the first big trip I’ve taken alone (before any of you assume anything, I’m only 18 years old.…

  • home from comic con

    me so sleepy. and have a headache. will have a full report later today/tomorrow

  • packing up…

    yeah, i’m gonna be gone until Monday. going to comic con tomorrow. Catching the amtrak down there. everything’s packed. I’m just anxious among other feelings, considering this is the first trip I’m taking alone. I’ve had people tell me that you shouldn’t worry, but hell, I’m not. Just thinking about the con just has me getting…


    Got this only minutes ago. If you can’t tell by my crappy camera, its a confirmation to go to Comic Con as a member of the press! fuck and yes. Hopefully, I won’t get a job by then, so I’m free to go! HELL YES! can’t wait…. plus, there’s some press only stuff I’m interested…

  • Workin’ hard, i think…

    So its been a big push for me to try to find a job so I can start driving. 20 applications, only one call back. Might be going in Monday for the interview. So yeah, hoping for a job so i can get out of the house more often. I am working on new reviews,…

  • Back from Anime Expo

    So yeah, I went to the Anime Expo on Monday. It was pretty damn fun. Saw Man Faye doing some small cosplay stuff, and the usual freaks, geeks, and so on and so forth. Too bad there wasn’t a webcomics panel this year. Hell, if no one does it next year, I’ll probably volunteer to put something…