dj orta

evil, evil forum bots

So I made a test forums in order to test the modified code that i did for the Cornstalker Collective Site (it works wonderfully now, thankfully!), but it wasn’t soon enough before… the bots invaded the test forums. This picture is sliiightly old. by maybe a week or so. The good news… new users need mod approval before they can activate their account and post. The bad news… the new users need mod approval before they can activate their account and post, notifying the admins via email. I have 125 emails so far notfying me of new users. 11 so far today. Man, bots are getting agressive.


3 responses to “evil, evil forum bots”

  1. well on CG and cornstalker I believe we just auto-delete upon a valid login attempt any user that meets spammer criteria, solves the worst of the worst

  2. yeah, its something i’ve been looking into now for Joomla CMS based sites, but there are plugins to handle bot containment, so phpBB forum structure is the least of my problems. The forums are staying around as i’m learning how to skin them…