dj orta


Damn, I haven’t written in here for a long time now. Well, in online terms. That’s like, what, two months? I’ve been incredibly busy, as school has basically eaten up my free time. I’m now sitting at work, using the rusted, bent foldable chair i have in my office as a desk for my palm pilot, as i sit cross-legged on the floor. Yeah, I have an office. As it turns out, my former high school has some problems here and they hired a new person to come and take care of their tech related needs. The new hire saw the amount of work she needed to do and freaked out. She quit the very next day. In a pinch, my former principal called me back in and here I am, sweaty and tired after moving probably 30 iMacs (the fruity ones) and stacking old CPUs. At least im getting paid, right? Good money, too. I passed out and fell asleep on the floor of my office one day, leaving the markings of the thin carpet on my face. How very smart of me, i suppose. Feels odd, though, coming back to my old high school as a member of the faculty. I have my own cubby where my mail is delivered, and I sit in on some staff meetings. I’m probably the youngest person to hold this job in the district. But its worth it… i think. Now my other job offer is going through, finally. I’ll be working at a hotel, front desk. It’s actually on the same bus route i take every day for school. I haven’t decided which job to keep, so for a little bit, I’ll be working on both jobs. At least I can get enough money to fix up my car. I intended to use the money to travel next year, but I don’t really have the motivation anymore to take those trips. I’d rather spend that money on getting some films done and on the film festival circuit. And maybe buy myself a Wii. Maybe. Oh, and one of the Rose Princesses are in my class. I didn’t make the connection until she told me. Incredibly smart, incredibly beautiful, and easy to talk to. I suppose its some of the requirements to being a Rose Princess. I brought up the mention of the dresses that the entire court was criticized for- these hideous looking dresses. Her face flushed and covered her face, and said rather mockingly, “Oh god, don’t bring up those things again!” Supposedly, every conversation she’s had with people has come around to those dresses and how hideous they were. She assured me they were “permanently retired.” Amusing, at least. My English class has been pretty fun, as the Rose Princess is in there, as well as another girl that’s interested in helping out for Team Mayhem Productions. So be on the lookout for more news on that. As for me, I’m just trying to survive my every day life. A bit moody than most times, but its a good way to work on faking a smile and working without complaining. I find myself rather jaded on certain topics, and trying to return to my old schedule seems impossible. I just guess i have to move on. Soon enough, Ver. 2.0 of the Cornstalker Comics Collective website will be coming out. That’ll be an interesting design, as I’ve been trying to avoid using black in my sites- but hell, its going to be on the site out of my own accord. Oh and yes, Team Mayhem Productions will have a site again come January 1st, 2007. New site design is looking rather cool – I had a suggestion from Claude from Reckless Youth, so I’ll be using his suggestion with the site design. New members, perhaps. December will be a key month for me- it’ll decide how TMP’s schedule turns out for 2007.
